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Easy recipes for whitening and exfoliating the body

 Easy recipes for whitening and exfoliating the body

An easy recipe for whitening and exfoliating the body

Here, Madam, in this article are a variety of natural mixtures for skin and body care, preserving the youth and vitality of the skin, and whitening it.
  • The first recipe: A recipe for whiteness and softness of the body. It is an exfoliant and is useful for cases of cellulite.


    Lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil 2 tablespoons of yogurt 3 tablespoons of almond oil


    Mix all together and place it on the entire body and leave it for an hour, then rub your body with your hand and you will find the dead cells.
  • The second recipe: A mixture to refresh the skin


    A teaspoon of wheat flour. A teaspoon of olive oil.


    Mix the ingredients. Well, you will get a paste that you can spread on your face with your fingertips. Leave it on your skin for 15 minutes. After you finish, wash your face with lukewarm water to get rid of the remaining mixture left on your skin. Repeating this process 3 times a week will restore your skin’s freshness and refresh it.
  • Third recipe: Pear recipe for dry skin

    Pears are fruits rich in vitamins that nourish the body, in addition to their moisturizing and refreshing effect for dry skin in particular.


    A quarter of a pear, an egg white, and half a spoonful of honey


    Mash the pears well, then add them to the honey and egg mixture. Mix well then apply on the face.


    Avoid the area around the eyes. Leave the mask for (15) minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Fourth recipe: Barley recipe for stressed skin


    2 tablespoons ground barley 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons milk

    Method :

    Stir the barley and honey with mint using a fork, then add the milk and place the mask on the skin for thirty minutes, then rinse the face with cold water.
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